Tuesday 18 October 2011

I'm eating a muffin... jealous?

And it is awesomely delicious to the point that it is about to blow my mind-hole all the way to flavour-ville! "But surely Dr Awesome -" I hear you asking "- there are more important-tastic things that you could be writing about?" Well, if you were truly as awesome as I, then you would realise that I am not simply talking about simple sweet-based tastiness - oh no! - there is a far deeper meaning to my words that will exposing a SHOCKING TRUTH! That is correct, dear readers, your brain mouths are about to chow down on some loving baked mind-treat that will make you obese with insight... and potentially gassy with confusion...

The point I am making here is that pointless status up-dates on Facebook, Twitter, blogs, etc. are LAME! No one cares about the mind-numbingly tedious aspects of your dull disinteresting life! And anyone who 'Likes' or 'Retweets' such abhorrent crimes against proper time management are worse than Pol Pot and Hitler's illegitimate love-child, Kim Jong-il! A proper use of your chrono-space would be to read my blog... and marvel at my muffin's deliciousness... mmm that's a tasty treat...

So remember: pointlessness is lame and stupid; nobody cares about your trivial pursuits. Just because you think trimming the ol' toe nails should go on Facebook or that sorting out the sock draw is Twitter worthy does not make it so. Keep that pointless shit to yourself! Unless you're like me and everything that you do is pure, distilled AWESOME. Man that was a tasty muffin...

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